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  1. Main Software and Inspiring Tutorials

    March 13, 2017 by Tianyu Sun

    Before goes into the detailed technical part, there are some interactive art exhibition attract my eyes.

    Art that scans

    His exhibition at Venice’s 2012 Architecture Biennale covers the Russian Pavilion with oversized QR codes. Visitors pick up tablets on the way in and point them at the lighted codes on the walls, floors and ceilings to call up information about Skolkovo, the high-tech city that’s being built outside Moscow.

    Part art, part publicity stunt, the codes bring up maps of the planned city, project details and even the weather — but their lighting and placement in the pavilion’s 1913 architecture makes them strangely beautiful in their own right.



    Mostly geometrical style of art pieces, while video insert is doable.






    This software is more professional and with more possible options, structure mapping, multiple video presenting, and motion tracking etc.

    3D software:

    C4D: Easy to learn and most importantly it integrates well with adobe after effects.

    Blender:  Easy to learn as well. “Blender is likely more advantageous for render-farms if you choose to have your own. No need for extra licensing on multiple machines.”

    Blender has the great “Skeletal system” much easy for animation. As well as the UV of blender is public recognised as human friendly system. The most importantly, “Blender is the world’s first application of node synthesis software, the idea of the node even led the Max to join a similar function.” and so far so on.

  2. Story and Technique Plans

    February 27, 2017 by Tianyu Sun


    Stained Glass:

    Medieval Graffiti:

    The reason to studying about Graffiti is because of that reveals who really worshipped the place, the churches, by almost every class within the medieval parish, which differ from those higher class, the noble people who could afford to be painted onto the stained glass. People carving done their desire and wishes and the symbols of that time, is possibly for god to see or be memorised by peoples.

    English Medieval Graffiti by V. Pritchard

    Medieval Graffiti: The Lost Voices of England’s Churches


    Grotesque and Gargoyles:

    Grotesque is represent a very ugly or comically distorted figure or image, while gargoyles are figures that contain a water spout through the mouth, which people often get confused with. In a general term, grotesque arrangement from ornaments of arabesques, small human and animal figures, it could be decorated on celling, vase or engraved on paper and even thread on objects. In architecture, grotesques are the figures on a carved stone, most significantly figures are appear on parish church more.


    Gargoyle on St. Vitus Cathedral

    It is very ambiguous, which it could be leading the way to the altar, or to resist and prevent the demons of the outer dark world. However, these figures could be none related meanings about the church’s religious and even some grotesques or gargoyles are the stone masons faces, and they still do it on nowadays.

    Explore Green Men by Mercia McDermott with photographs by Ruth Wylie. Explore Books 2003. ISBN 1 872883 66 4

    How To Read A Church: A Guide to Images, Symbols and Meanings in Churches and Cathedrals by Dr Richard Taylor. 

    In nowadays gothic architectures, there even possibly hidden some pop culture figures, for example in Washington National Cathedral, there is a Darth Vader figure on its wall.


    Stories about the stone masons:



    Ⅰ. Projection Mapping, the animated story of Lincoln Imp.

    Ⅱ. Audio presented Graffiti, vocal explain the symbol and initials. A shot paragraph monologue mixed with background sounds.

    Taking an example of H&L’s work:

    This project has used outer devices that bluetooth can connect, and transfer to your headphone, so that it direct connect when you near it. While for my project, I will would like to use the Graffiti as its special code, scan it with a sound track played.

    Ⅲ. Lowploy 3D models of gargoyles with vocal explanations.

    Inspired by Tajima’s work, I would like to indicate my Lowpolyed gargoyles with multiply facial expressions, while based on 3d reanalysed background image. If necessary, vocal explanation could be added to it for a much clear theme purpose.

    Other inspiration source:


  3. Facts and Stories

    February 19, 2017 by Tianyu Sun

    The signature legendary stories about The Imp.


    Back in the 14th Century Satan sent his two little Imps out one day to do his evil work. First they went to Chesterfield where they sat on a church spire and began twisting, which is how Chesterfield’s Crooked Spire came to be crooked.

    After vandalising Chesterfield’s spire the two little Imps headed east to Lincoln Cathedral. Upon their arrival they did as Satan had instructed them, causing as muchmayhem as possible. They began by tripping up the Bishop and then went on to smash all the tables and chairs. It was whilst they were in the process of destroying the Angel Choir that an angel appeared and told them to stop at once. One of the Imps was braver than the other so he flew to sit on a stone pillar and began to throw heavy objects at the Angel. His punishment for his bad behaviour and defiance was to be immediately turned to stone by the Angel leaving the little imp sitting on the pillar forever.


    The Graffiti that inside of Lincoln cathedral.

    Graphic and symbols








    Graffiti – Script



    D5CAADC9-3691-40B3-A81D-56D66AABAFC5 AE201E8C-6A36-4D4B-8D85-8129995D04D8 1E4A3C05-ADD9-48C2-AA2E-D97A5CB9B6E8 AB2B2651-EADC-4467-85F8-D5E67B6C6CDD 8572C699-492B-4FC2-815A-176D3AF3F5F2 5B54A2A9-CC13-45AE-835A-9DC8E271648479D04EFC-E082-4E2D-883A-BE841FBCCAAF 66E22C44-2B7F-4B7B-BC50-71F9202AC0AC 5DB93F8B-7A86-4477-805A-5B43DECBE74D


    The figures that inside of Lincoln cathedral.

    屏幕快照 2017-02-20 01.10.31

    屏幕快照 2017-02-20 01.15.29

    屏幕快照 2017-02-20 01.15.59

    屏幕快照 2017-02-20 01.16.36

    屏幕快照 2017-02-20 01.16.57

    屏幕快照 2017-02-20 01.17.21


  4. Proposal

    February 19, 2017 by Tianyu Sun

    Hidden Stories of architecture


    The intended idea/concept of the project:

    This project is to raise people’s interests for those historical places, reveal and restore history and attractive stories about architectures. Take Lincoln Cathedral as an example, using Augmented Reality technology transfer the information into visual moving image, see through the building process with detail told in audio, and have a chance look closely with the decorations that people cannot reach on the building. The aim for this project is in an efficient and more direct way, telling people stories about one thing, while in the experience aspect, interactive and gaming alike installations will attract and give satisfaction to the visitors. It is going to focus on one building at meantime, whereas this is an concept which could be further expanded onto other historical sites, as a national trust or British heritage project.


    Describe the intended audience:

    People who are interested in architecture and local histories, such as tourists, posting QR code on social media to get people a preview, so that to encourage those come to the site to visit and have an adventure as well as learning histories. Therefore, this would also be interested for school students, during their school trip or family visit could take more out with them, understanding in depth and fun with a much stronger memory. Similarly important, for the architecture student, who could also be potential audience. In addition, this could be useful for the people with disabilities.


    How will this project extend your creative and technical skills?

    I am going to learn a lots of 3D modeling skills from it, understand and use in real production process. As well as searching and discovering the new living path of the heritages and helping them adapting new technology and living with new technology. Moreover, animation skills will also be needed in this project.


    Outline how the practical work will be carried out and the time-scales involved for each task. (If working in a group,  please also indicate the division of labour):

    This project is mainly working on my own, and there is the project structure.

    From Week 3, settled down the project direction.

    Week 4 and 5 is working on relevant projects and reading articles about architecture, especially the information about Lincoln Cathedral.

    Week 6 to 9 is building the models, and keeping further researching.

    Week 10 to 12 is exam the mock-ups, gathering feedbacks.


    What other work (by animators, designers, film-makers, writers, digital media producers, etc.) is relevant to your project? (This work may either be relevant for its conceptual, inspirational or technical similarity):

    Land’s End – A VR adventure from the creators of monument valley. It is an immersive game will be released soon, 3D built structures with a Monument Valley likewise style, because it is an VR game, thus the immersive experience would be truly fantastic.

    TheArchigadgets (YouTubers) who is often posting the 3D architecture models from his own design. It is a QR code access projects and it has the ability to go inside looking around finding informations.  

    These people’s work are very related to what I was thinking about, while also remind me furthermore possibilities that I could make for mine.


    List at least two critical texts that are relevant to your conceptual intentions:

    4 ways virtual and augmented reality will revolutionize the way we practice architecture:

    The Storyteller’s Guide to the Virtual Reality Audience: