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Story and Technique Plans

February 27, 2017 by Tianyu Sun   


Stained Glass:

Medieval Graffiti:

The reason to studying about Graffiti is because of that reveals who really worshipped the place, the churches, by almost every class within the medieval parish, which differ from those higher class, the noble people who could afford to be painted onto the stained glass. People carving done their desire and wishes and the symbols of that time, is possibly for god to see or be memorised by peoples.

English Medieval Graffiti by V. Pritchard

Medieval Graffiti: The Lost Voices of England’s Churches


Grotesque and Gargoyles:

Grotesque is represent a very ugly or comically distorted figure or image, while gargoyles are figures that contain a water spout through the mouth, which people often get confused with. In a general term, grotesque arrangement from ornaments of arabesques, small human and animal figures, it could be decorated on celling, vase or engraved on paper and even thread on objects. In architecture, grotesques are the figures on a carved stone, most significantly figures are appear on parish church more.


Gargoyle on St. Vitus Cathedral

It is very ambiguous, which it could be leading the way to the altar, or to resist and prevent the demons of the outer dark world. However, these figures could be none related meanings about the church’s religious and even some grotesques or gargoyles are the stone masons faces, and they still do it on nowadays.

Explore Green Men by Mercia McDermott with photographs by Ruth Wylie. Explore Books 2003. ISBN 1 872883 66 4

How To Read A Church: A Guide to Images, Symbols and Meanings in Churches and Cathedrals by Dr Richard Taylor. 

In nowadays gothic architectures, there even possibly hidden some pop culture figures, for example in Washington National Cathedral, there is a Darth Vader figure on its wall.


Stories about the stone masons:



Ⅰ. Projection Mapping, the animated story of Lincoln Imp.

Ⅱ. Audio presented Graffiti, vocal explain the symbol and initials. A shot paragraph monologue mixed with background sounds.

Taking an example of H&L’s work:

This project has used outer devices that bluetooth can connect, and transfer to your headphone, so that it direct connect when you near it. While for my project, I will would like to use the Graffiti as its special code, scan it with a sound track played.

Ⅲ. Lowploy 3D models of gargoyles with vocal explanations.

Inspired by Tajima’s work, I would like to indicate my Lowpolyed gargoyles with multiply facial expressions, while based on 3d reanalysed background image. If necessary, vocal explanation could be added to it for a much clear theme purpose.

Other inspiration source:



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